A protean software developer with a zeal to assimilate and incorporate new methodologies & technologies for the overall enhancement on various facets like Performance, Scalability and High Availability.Strong knowledge in Web Services (SOAP/REST), Microservices and AWS Serverless development. Extensive experience in agile/scrum development practices and CICD deployment methodologies .
LEAD Software Engineer
- Designed+Architect+Implemented+Delivered a Python Django REST Framework Application from scratch, it basically helps in managing, querying & visualising all data at one place.
- Developing a User Personalisation module by using User segmentation and On-Device user event aggregation
- Designed and developed Cloud Native, Multi JVM & Scallable application from scratch using Java, Spring framework and relavent technology stack.
- Designed and developed Microservices & products using Java 8, Spring Boot, Mongo DB, AngularJs and related technology stack.
- Resume Scaling data pipelines to 4x of the BAU data scale to handle data volumes during sale events
- Updated old code base of Seller Account Settings Dashboard Spring Web Services to modern development standards, improving functionality resulting in 30% improvement in software assurance risk score.
- Architected pipelines, workflows and tools to support machine learning performance from data gathering to deployment to Sagemaker with monitoring dashboards, alarms, integration testing and CI/CD support.
- Worked on Algorithm for displaying Sold out products on Searching. This involved both indexing sold out products in Solr and its proper handling on Searching according to different scenarios.
- Integration platform helping Enterprises seamlessly and securely integrate cloud applications
- Designing and developing API for intelligent search and recommendation systems
Senior Software Engineer : SDE 2
- Java, Micro Services, Web Services, Spring, Hibernate).docx Worked on Web Services (GraphQL, REST, SOAP), Micro-Services, ORM Tools, Spring Framework, Messaging Queues, Single Page Applications (SPA) & Azure Databricks.
- Involved in design approaches, architecture and technologies discussion required for moving existing on-prem PCI ecosystem to AWS cloud
- Authentication/ Authorization , Creating/Uploading/Updating Meta Data , Creating Dynamic Query and Downloading Query Data ,Creating Charts , Storing Saved queries Cards Data on Dashboard.
- Created a java web based spring project that act as a contact point for search service. It contains the business logic to get the final response for a particular request.
- Works on end-to-end API development along with their UI implementation for Smart Data provider application.
- Working closely with the Product and Operations team in understanding the requirement and providing inputs on how the requirement can be enhanced.
- Worked on AB Framework for testing of features parallely allowing us to configure the percentage for each feature in the database
Software Developer
- Developed a Java Spring Boot Rest Application, including tech stacks like hibernate, maven , spring security , redis, kafka
- Increasing the perceived relevance of the search engine by developing a Typeahead feature and adding Highlighting for query matches in the results using Apache Solr
- Developed cloud telephony platform and features namely ivr and and ivr builder using java , elasticsearch, redis, kafka , postgres, and spring-statemachine.
- Stabilising the memory efficiency of the bespoke ETL pipeline by JVM performance tuning and memory profiling as a result of which I fixed memory leaks with legacy modules used for preview generation
- Implemented AWS Secret integration and ATLAS in their services.
- Implemneted the CI/CD Pipeline to Deploy Application and infra on cloud.
- Swagger Api Implementation for all the CnC Services.
- Designing and developing API for intelligent search and recommendation systems.
- Dockerize the local setup and bit bucket pipeline with multiple containers.
- Developing the application using Java (Spring Boot, Hibernate) and Angular. Implementing and Exposing Restful Web services using Spring Boot.
- Languages Java, Python, R, C#, C, JavaScript (ES6), Groovy script, HTML, XML, JSON, CSS, SQL
- Frameworks GraphQL-Java, Spring Boot, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, SpEL, Hibernate, Jersey, RESTEasy, Apache CXF, Jackson, Log4J, Junit, Apache POI.
- Data Structures and Algorithms LinkedList, ArrayList, Trees, BinarySearchTree, Graphs, Stack, Queue, Searching, Sorting
- Java SE APIs JAXB, JPA, SWING, MIDI, JavaFX. Java Mail JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node(basic), Core Java
- Developer Tools: Git, Stash, Jenkins, Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, VS Code
- Deployment Pipeline: Jenkins,Docker,Azkaban,Ozzy,Nifi,Kubernetes
- Software Packages: Eclipse, CVS, JIRA, Confluence, VMware Esxi, Oracle Virtual Box.
- Automation: Automated Lighthouse System Design, Automated Unit Test case, Code Coverage Report System Design
- Other Tools SonarQube, Dynatrace, Prometheus, Splunk, Jmeter, Eclipse, Maven, Azure Data Studio, Visual Studio, Postman, Poster, SOAPUI, VS Code, PyCharm, Anaconda
- DBS Applications Azure SQL Server, Google Big Query, Oracle 10g, MySQL 5.7 & MongoDB
- Cloud Technologies : AWS S3, AWS EC2, AWS RDS, Azure SQL (PaaS), Kubernetes, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks (Apache Spark), Google Big Query, Azure Blob, Docker, Megha Cache
- Cloud Platform GCP, Azure, AWS (EC2, CloudWatch, EKS Fargate, ECS, Security Groups, Autoscaling and Load Bal